Neighborhood Services Corp. in Edmond manages all three HOAs in Fenwick.
Homeowners in all three areas are members of Fenwick HOA, which maintains the parks, ponds, creek, swimming pool, clubhouse and all entrances and flowerbeds. (Residents in the east Gated and west Garden Village areas pay additional dues to those HOAs for their roads & gates.)
Your Fenwick HOA Dues for 2023 are $440 and are due by March 1.
Payment may be made via one of the following methods:
- PAY ONLINE options: EFT bank account transfer or debit/credit card. Each has an additional service fee. Access TownSq here or see instructions below on how to set up your account.
- Mail a check to: Fenwick HOA, PO Box 653072, Dallas, TX 75265-3072 or drop off in the Fenwick Clubhouse mailbox
- Your check should be made out to Fenwick HOA or Fenwick Homeowners Association. (If you live in a gated area DO NOT combine your payments for both HOAs into one check. Each HOA has a separate bank account and cannot transfer funds.)
To access NSC’s TownSq System to pay online:
- The TownSq website is: If you registered last year, you can use the same email & password. If you are not registered, follow the instructions below.
- Click on “Need to Register” at the bottom of the page to get started.
- You should receive an invoice from Fenwick/Neighborhood Services Corp/Associa in January 2023. Your account # is listed on that invoice. Enter it with the other requested info.
- If you no longer have the invoice or account #, email with your name, your Fenwick street address, and your preferred email address for portal access. Be sure to mention “Fenwick” as NSC manages many HOAs. You’ll hopefully receive a follow-up email within a business day.
- After logging in, click on your name/profile in the top right corner, then select “Account” to view your payment options.
- Garden Village and Gated HOA homeowners: You’ll need to select and pay each HOA separately. In the Accounts area click on the other HOA to pay your 2nd dues or find “Change Community” in your Profile menu to see your other HOA account.
- If you have problems call NSC at 405-348-1436 so they can resolve it or walk you through the process.
We have misplaced the letter stating what our dues are for 2024-25. We live in the gated community off of Western. So please let us know the amounts and deadlines for the two dues coming up. Thanks
Hi Robert, Invoices for the two HOAs you belong to will be mailed to homeowners in January with due dates of March 1.