If you have any questions about the neighborhood or want to get more information about one of the activities please email: fenwickcommunity@gmail.com
→→→If you have questions or comments for Fenwick Garden Village, please visit their website, email fenwickgvhoa@gmail.com or call their management company at 405-348-1436. We cannot answer questions regarding Fenwick Garden Village HOA activity, including gates and covenant violations, etc.
Phone: (405) 341-1428 voicemail
Email: fenwickcommunity@gmail.com
Fenwick HOA Mailing & Clubhouse address:
Fenwick HOA
16801 Fenwick Boulevard
Edmond, OK 73012
Board Members:
President – Lisa Sutliff: email
Vice President, Maintenance Committee Chair – Russell Quesenberry: email
Treasurer, Pool Chair – Shawna Aldridge: email
Secretary, Bylaws/Rules Chair – Divya Bhatt: email
Phillip Nokes, Maintenance Committee: email
Pat Fowler, Maintenance Committee: email
Duane Jones, Nominating Committee Chair: email
Mumunar Rahman: email
Alex Bales, Maintenance Committee: email
Fenwick HOA Board Meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the third Monday of the month (except December) at the clubhouse unless otherwise noted on the agenda. All residents are welcome to attend. Each meeting begins with an open forum where residents can voice their questions, comments and concerns.
2025 Dates: Jan. 20, Feb. 17, March 17, April 21, May 19, June 16, July 21, Aug. 18, Sept. 15, Oct. 20, Nov. 17, Annual Meeting TBD (prior to Nov. 17)
Business Management / HOA Management:
Neighborhood Services Corp. in Edmond, fenwickcommunity@gmail.com
Clubhouse Rental: Please see the clubhouse rental page.
Report an issue on a neighbor’s property: contact here
Architectural Application:
If you want to build a shed, expand your driveway, replace your roof, paint your house a different color or make any other improvement to your lot please submit the required Architectural Application.
Maintenance Committee: Chair Russell Quesenberry, contact here.
Social Committee: Mikki Caldwell-Oraene, send email.
Pool: Chair Shawna Aldridge, contact here.
Fenwick Frogs information is posted here.
Receive Important Community Alerts:
If you are interested in receiving e-mail blasts containing information pertinent to your community (e.g., neighborhood alerts about missing pets and sometimes kids, crime alerts, pool alerts when we have to close the pool for bad weather, etc.) please signup for email alerts and newsletters here.