Section of perimeter brick wall to be replaced

When the Fenwick neighborhood was developed a few decades ago the perimeter brick walls were built in sections. One long section on 164th Street next to Garden Village (the west gated area) was not built in the same manner as the other perimeter walls. This particular wall section is only one brick thick and not of the same strong quality as the other walls that stand along Western Ave, Penn Ave, or the east end of 164th Street.

Many sections of the wall have degenerated to the point of becoming a safety hazard now or in the near future. The HOA Board decided the safest and most cost efficient method is to replace all of those inferior wall panels at one time.

This wall section on the west end of 164th Street is now being demolished and we appreciate your patience during the reconstruction process as it may require one to two months. The sidewalk that runs along the inside of the brick wall may be blocked off for safety reasons.

If you have any questions or concerns, please attend the Fenwick HOA Board meeting Monday, July 18 at 7 p.m. at the Clubhouse or email