Spring Cleaning Checklist for Your Home’s Exterior

by Dave Law, reprinted from RenovationsRoofing.com

It’s easy to overlook what needs some work under a layer of snow through the winter. Unless your roof is actively leaking, no one is prowling around in the frigid weather looking for things to fix.

However, when the weather starts to warm up and the sun comes out, unfortunately, is when our home’s exterior tends to look a little…sad.

You don’t need a ton of tools to make your house exterior sparkle again this spring. Simply use this checklist and a little bit of elbow grease.

In addition, just to reassure you: cleaning does make a difference. You might think your home’s exterior looks the same from year to year, but regular cleaning of even the outside of your house will help ensure it stays nice for a long time to come.

Home Exterior Spring Cleaning Checklist

Remove Debris From Your Gutters

Do you overlook your gutters? It’s a big mistake and one you should correct as soon as possible this spring.

Debris that builds up in your gutters and downspouts can seriously damage your roof if left to itself. It may cause water to back up and get into the soffit and behind you siding and walls. Further they will not function to direct water away from your foundation and may also attract animals to nest.

It can also start sprouting little plants of its own if left too long. At that point, your gutter system may end up compromised. You could end up spending a lot more money to replace it and other repairs.

Visually Inspect Your Roof From the Ground

As you are cleaning your gutters, take a visual tour of your roof from the ground. It is critical that you do not climb onto your roof due to safety reasons. Next, make a call to your roofing company for your annual inspection.

Spring is the perfect time to repair any missing or loose shingles and to have a professional get up there and make a thorough check. If you see something that looks like it needs attention soon, call a trusted roofing company right away.

Pressure Wash Your Home’s Exterior

After the gutters, this is the first thing we recommend, as it can tend to make everything else dirty as you do it, like your windows.

Pressure washing doesn’t have to be done by a professional (unless you are worried it will damage your siding or home exterior). You can rent a pressure washer for under $100 a day at your local home improvement store.

Start from the top and work your way down, washing patios and decks last. Spring is a much better time to pressure wash, as the plants in your yard are likely to be a lot smaller in spring and less likely to get in the way. Take appropriate precaution as intense high pressure can damage wood and other softer materials.

Make a note of any damaged areas on your siding or other exterior material and make plans to get repairs as needed.

Clean Your Windows

Many newer windows can be cleaned from the inside as well as the outside. However, regardless of the method, the best window washing ingredient is vinegar wiped with newspaper to avoid streaking.

Additionally, we highly recommend washing windows last. It’s not a fun job to re-do after you’ve washed your siding or cleaned your gutters.

This is also a great time to closely examine your windows to ensure there are no problems.


The yard is, of course, a whole job of work on its own. Now is the time to repair fencing, clean up your landscaping, have that pile of mulch delivered and re-paint any decking or fences that need it. Inspect your bird feeders, dog houses, sheds and anything else that was subject to the harsh winter weather.


Spring cleaning may not be the thing everyone looks forward to, but you have to admit it is nice to be finally being able to spend time outside again. That makes almost anything seem like a good time. Cleaning the exterior of your home is as important for its longevity as cleaning the inside. This spring cleaning checklist will help you complete the process.

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