Garage Sale Dates & Information

Fenwick’s 2025 Garage Sales will be held Fridays & Saturdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the following dates:

      • June 6-7
      • Sept. 19-20

Get your permit from the City of OKC (cost $7): Apply for permit.

INCLEMENT WEATHER: If inclement weather is expected, we will hold a make-up/rain date the following weekend. In the event of bad weather, we will make the decision to postpone the Monday prior to the sales so that residents can plan.

Consistent dates: So that residents can plan for garage sales each year, we are designating the FIRST weekend in June and the THIRD weekend in September each year for our garage sales. 

You may hold your sale any time during those hours. You do not have to stay open from 8:00 to 5:00; you just can’t open any earlier or stay open any later.

The gated sections of Fenwick will have the gates open during these times to accommodate shoppers.

Each participating household is required to obtain a $7.00 permit from the city of Oklahoma City. Get your permit online here. You can print out an application and mail it in with a check, or purchase online with a credit card. (required if participating – maximum city fine is $200!).

Fenwick Homeowners Association will promote the sale by advertising in The Oklahoman, Craigslist, NextDoor and Facebook. We will place banners outside the neighborhood entrances the week prior to the sale. 

Not sure how to have a good sale? These 20 tips will help you have the best sale ever, get rid of more stuff and make more money!