Possibly the most important responsibility of the Fenwick HOA is to maintain the common areas and green spaces around Fenwick that we all enjoy. These areas are kept beautiful and in working order by a the Maintenance Committee. Some small jobs may be done by volunteers; but most are bid out to vendors. The group oversees all tree trimming, the ponds and fountains, the landscaping and sprinkler system vendors, maintenance at the clubhouse and pool, and much more. If you are interested in joining this committee, we’d love to hear from you!
Fenwick HOA puts on a few events each year – Breakfast With Santa, a Potluck meal, an Easter egg hunt, movies in the park and more. We’d love to have more events, and our neighbors have expressed interest in attending them. But we’ve got to have volunteers to coordinate, plan and staff these events! If you are interested in helping with or coordinating an event, we’d love to hear from you!
Fill out the form below and we’ll contact you ASAP!